We put up regular updates from our lovely team of teachers on the teachers blog. We have intentionally kept this in Chinese to maintain the authenticity of their share of voice. Do come back here again to check for new stories and news, we are sure you will find fascinating!
Zuojing Laoshi
Class name: Toddlers Group
我把我们班的每一个孩子都当做我的宝贝。小大人一般的Kenan,他不喜欢重复的游戏,要怎样才能让他关注我,这给我很大的挑战,我会绞尽脑汁想办法来吸引他的眼球。每当我获得他的肯定,他总会酷酷的说,“老师,我很喜欢你!”还有我们班乖巧可爱的Meyis和Farida,腼腆帅哥Rudra,甜心小妹Ava 和即将加入我们班的新同学Adit,我享受跟他们在一起的时光,每一次课就是我跟他们快乐聚会的时间。在游戏中学习,让每一个孩子在刚刚开始接触中文的时候就深深的爱上学中文,让我们彼此都享受其中的乐趣。
Time has passed so fast and I can’t believe it almost three months. We started off like an unfamiliar group but we are now good friends with happy hearts always. My class enjoys learning together, playing together and it really feels like we have travelled back in time to our childhood!
We laugh together and all our troubles are washed away when we are in class as one family.
They say when you teach you learn and I am learning everyday from them. It is a challenge and I welcome it. There is a lot of work behind pre-lesson preparation, finding relevant materials and understanding and communication of carefully planned techniques, but all this disappears when you see the children smiling and happy – more importantly when you see them learn!
为期两个月的培训已经进行了一半了,自己收获良多。从 培训开始的关于快乐学汉语的基础介绍,到中国汉字的讲解、PPT制作的详细步骤及实操,再到落实到每一堂课的课前如 何备课、课中如何利用教具及如何演示课堂内容、课后如何
回顾跟踪课程内容,以及进行主题的试讲,不仅让我更加详 细清晰的对汉语教学课堂的把控有了越来越多的了解,也让 我一步步的更深的感受到中文教学的乐趣和魅力。
就拿PPT制作的讲解为例,我很擅长于阅读与收集、整理、归纳、提炼资料,但是对于实操PPT确实是很生疏。每次准 备备课课件,都要花费我很长的时间。也许对于操作很熟练 的老师,准备一堂课的备课和课件所需要的时间并不是太长,
但是对于我,常常是需要大半天的时间,效果还并不是很满 意。所以当左老师一步步的演示如何简洁快速的插入文本框、
动图、动画,如何快速输入拼音,如何选择以及剪切图片,如何让整个PPT更加协调和科学,我非常感兴趣,有不懂的 时候,还会及时端着电脑冲到左老师面前请教,她也能用很 简单的方法教会我,在接下的试讲里面,我也用到了这堂课 学到的内容。
总之,每一次的培训,都让我受益匪浅,总能让我有所进 步。所以也特别珍惜培训的机会,希望能够学到更多,也能 成长的更快!感谢每一位培训我们的老师!期待下一次培
I have really gained a lot from training at Happy Mandarin. It gave me strength and the basis for imparting this wonderful language to the children. I learned a lot from detailed guidances, steps, practical operations and cumulative PPTs that were shown to us during this time. I particularly enjoyed understanding how to prepare lessons and use the teachings to demonstrate classroom content.
I had a few challenges that the training here has helped me overcome and I am very thankful for that. For example, I found it difficult to use PPT, specially while working on pinyin. I was taught in detail how to work around this challenge. Every step was explained to me and now I am a pro at it. More over I understood that it is important to impart knowledge in a simple way. We need to make sure that the other person understands it. Really happy with the training level and standard of education they are imparting here.